Pushfleet allows you to receive real-time notifications from businesses that do not have a dedicated app.
Building a mobile app is difficult and expensive. A lot of businesses out there can't afford to do it but they would still love to be able to send you push notifications. Pushfleet is a 100% free app that allows those businesses to do just that! If you want to receive push notifications, just give then your user token (i.e. P4X625TT2) and they will be able to send you notifications via PushFleet using our super simple REST API, i.e. https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send?appID=A1111111&userID=[U1111111,U2222222]&message=test&url=test.com
Pushfleet vous permet de recevoir des notifications en temps réel des entreprises qui ne disposent pas d'une application dédiée.
Construire une application mobile est difficile et coûteux. Beaucoup d'entreprises là-bas ne peut pas se permettre de le faire, mais ils aimeraient toujours être en mesure de vous envoyer les notifications push. Pushfleet est une application gratuite à 100% qui permet aux entreprises de faire exactement cela! Si vous souhaitez recevoir des notifications push, donnez alors votre jeton d'utilisateur (c.-à-P4X625TT2) et ils seront en mesure de vous envoyer des notifications par PushFleet en utilisant notre super simple API REST, à savoir https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send ? appID = A1111111 & userID = [U1111111, U2222222] & message = Test & url = test.com
Pushfleet allows you to receive real-time notifications from businesses that do not have a dedicated app.
Building a mobile app is difficult and expensive. A lot of businesses out there can't afford to do it but they would still love to be able to send you push notifications. Pushfleet is a 100% free app that allows those businesses to do just that! If you want to receive push notifications, just give then your user token (i.e. P4X625TT2) and they will be able to send you notifications via PushFleet using our super simple REST API, i.e. https://pushfleet.com/api/v1/send?appID=A1111111&userID=[U1111111,U2222222]&message=test&url=test.com